7 Stress Management Tips for Exam Travel from Michael, ATPL student from Italy

We had the opportunity to speak with Michael, an ATPL student from Italy, who travels to Rome to take his exams, and the journey takes him about 5 hours by train. He shared with us his valuable insights on managing stress while traveling. With Michael's firsthand advice, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the challenges of exam travel and approach your exams with confidence. So, let's dive in and discover how to make the most of your exam travel experience!

7 Stress Management Tips for Exam Travel from Michael, ATPL student from Italy

Tip 1: Booking in Advance and Double-Checking

 One of the keys is making early bookings for accommodations and transportation. It's important to focus on exam preparation rather than stressing about last-minute arrangements. I suggest thoroughly checking all travel details before leaving your computer to ensure a smooth journey and avoid unnecessary delays.

Tip 2: Getting Good Sleep:

 Drawing from my own experience, I can't stress enough the importance of finding a comfy place to stay where you can get a good night's sleep. Quality sleep helps with memory retention and improves reasoning abilities, both crucial for acing exams. I highly recommend prioritizing accommodations that offer a cozy and quiet environment for some restful sleep.

Tip 3: Breakfast at the Hotel

To save time and avoid the hassle of searching for breakfast options, I always have my morning meal at the hotel. This lets me maximize my sleep time and start the day with a nourishing meal that gives me the energy needed to tackle exams head-on.

Tip 4: Plan Your Meals Ahead

In bustling cities like Rome, Milan, or Paris, finding a good place to eat can be a challenge, especially during peak hours. To save time and energy, I suggest planning your lunch and dinner in advance. Booking a table beforehand ensures you won't have to stress about finding a suitable place to eat, allowing you to stay focused on your exams.

The day before the exam, I tried to find a place for lunch in Rome and couldn't find anything. I ended up going to a market to grab some food. Luckily, the hotel owner was really understanding and even gave me a heater so I could cook the meal!

Tip 5: Don't Overdo the Pre-Exam Questions

When it comes to the day before an exam, it's important to give your brain a chance to relax. Bombarding yourself with too many questions or cramming can increase stress levels and hinder effective information retention. Instead, I advise doing a limited number of questions, focusing mainly on the ones that you find challenging or have flagged from question banks.

Advice: use Airhead Custom Collections feature to tag the questions you would like to revise before the exam. You can configure a test from any of your collections with one click.

Tip 6: Create a Handy Review

To make the most of your travel time, I suggest creating a condensed and organized review material. This could be a schematic overview or summary of key concepts, formulas, or theories that you can easily review during your journey. Having a concise and well-structured study aid allows you to maximize your study time and reinforce important information.

Tip 7: Reward Yourself with Sightseeing

If you have some extra time, treat yourself to a visit to significant attractions in the city where you're taking your exam. Indulging in some sightseeing can give you a sense of accomplishment and relaxation after completing the exam. Your subconscious mind will associate exploring the city with a successful exam performance, creating a positive mental state.

I had a blast meeting new people from different countries and cultures, chatting with them, and hearing their stories. I even got to see the Colosseum (see the photo) and some other amazing sights. It was just cool!

7 Stress Management Tips for Exam Travel from Michael, ATPL student from Italy

Michael took this photo while doing sightseeing after his ATPL exam sitting.

Editor's Note

We are incredibly grateful to Michael for generously sharing his valuable insights on managing stress while traveling for exams. By following them, dealing with exam travel stress becomes much more manageable. Remember to book in advance, prioritize quality sleep, plan your meals, limit pre-exam questioning, and create a handy review material. With this well-organized approach, you can make the most of your exam travel experience and rock those exams!

ATPL exams

29 Jun 2023

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