From Racetrack to Runway. Cameron's Story on His Solo Flight 

From Racetrack to Runway. Cameron's Story on His Solo Flight

Remember the thrill of learning about your first solo flight in our guide, The Path to Your First Solo Flight? We covered the nitty-gritty, but there's nothing quite like the real experience. Now, fasten your seatbelts as we take you on a real-world adventure with Cameron. Despite his busy CPL training schedule, our Airhead Ambassador dove right in to answer our questions. Get ready for his first-hand account of conquering the skies, and emotions!

Cameron's passion for aviation started at a young age with his father, a private pilot who used his Piper Arrow for motorsport purposes. Landing on racetrack straights for quick travel fuelled Cameron's fascination with flying. Living near the historic Brooklands Museum further stoked his passion for flight. 

But Cameron's talents extend beyond the cockpit. His love for mechanics and engineering, honed through his motorsport work, provided the financial springboard for his pilot training journey, which began at 21. Having completed his PPL, Cameron eagerly set his sights on CPL training. As an Airhead ambassador, we're thrilled to have him share his unforgettable first solo flight experience!

A Mix of Emotions on Your First Solo

Q: Many pilots describe their first solo as excitement and nervousness. Can you elaborate on the emotions you experienced?

A: Absolutely! The first solo is the first big milestone you hit in your flying career, filled with pride and a sense of accomplishment. However, it also comes with a surge of emotions like self-reliance, self-trust, and self-accountability. It's a balancing act between those empowering feelings and the natural apprehension that comes with sole responsibility.

A Mix of Emotions on Your First Solo

Taking Off and Landing Alone

Q: Can you describe a specific moment during take-off or landing where you truly felt the weight of being in control?

A: During the take-off roll, it hit me – “If I bring this aircraft into the air, I am the only person who can bring it down.”  

As much as you’ll never be sent solo until you’re fully ready, it is still a moment of self-proving that you do not need an instructor next to you to conduct this flight safely. And that’s always an incredible realisation once you land back. All of that flight was solely on you.

There's a unique sense of self-reliance that sets in. Landing and knowing you executed the entire flight flawlessly is incredibly rewarding. 

The Power of Preparation

Q: Did your first solo flight teach you anything unexpected about the importance of preparation?

A:  The first solo taught me in large that preparation is key. This includes all the preparation in lessons and written exams you’ve done up until your first solo. In simple terms, all the lessons you’ve had up to your first solo have been preparation for this moment.

Preparation also in information gathering. Once you’re up there, there’s no instructor to ask questions to, there’s no aircraft flight manual to refer to about your aircraft etc. So, preparation in all aspects will be key to self-confidence and successful conducting of a first Solo.

The Power of Preparation

The Sweet Satisfaction of Touchdown

Q: What moment from your first solo flight stands out the most?

A: Without a doubt, it was touching down smoothly. That's when the weight lifted, and the joy of successful self-piloting truly hit me.  The rest of the flight is usually too encompassing to think of anything outside the task at hand. So that savouring the moment comes later.

Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Solo Pilots

Q: What advice would you give to student pilots approaching their first solo?

A: My biggest advice to students who are eying down their first solo soon is to trust yourself and trust your instructor! They would only send you solo if you've demonstrated the ability to conduct flights with no intervention, and you display a clear level of knowledge, skill, and attitude. Believe in your training, and remember – you've got this!

Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Solo Pilots

Have a first solo flight story waiting to be told? We're all ears! Contact us at  to share your journey – inspiring stories are welcome! 

04 Jun 2024

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