Question Bank Overview: ATPL Questions

Question bank overview: ATPL Questions

15000+ questions with explanations, two versions of the EASA Database.

ATPL Questions is recognised as a top choice for exam preparation, particularly for its focus on the most relevant exam content. Many students turn to its "last 200" questions from their examining authority for last-minute review.

The online platform offers both EASA 2016 and EASA 2021 databases, featuring questions frequently seen on real exams. The EASA ECQB 7.0 Question Bank is regularly updated with approximately 100 new questions monthly, based on student feedback. Additionally, the recently released EASA 2021 database reflects updated learning objectives, with some additions, removals, and reorganisations. Each question often includes detailed explanations sourced from ICAO Annexes and Doc Series.

Best for: Students doing their last-minute revision before the real ATPL exams at one of the EASA authorities.

Licences: ATPL(A), ATPL(H)/IR, ATPL(H)/VFR

QB versions: EASA 2016 and EASA 2021

Subscription Plans: 2, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. Also available is a single-subject subscription for 3 months.

Free trial: You can take a free test but the functionality and range of questions are reduced.


  • Filtering by Examining Authorities available.

  • Access to the “Last 200” list, featuring the most recently seen real exam questions.

  • Features subtopics for better organization.

  • Ability to add private notes.


  • Poor quality of explanations provided.

  • The interface may be buggy.

  • No mobile apps or offline access.

  • Lack of public comments feature.

  • Does not include 'quadrant questions' (multiple-choice, multi-select, close or inline, text) found in exams by the UK CAA and the LBA in Germany.

10 Apr 2024

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