Question Bank Overview: Aviationexam

Question bank overview: Aviationexam

16 928 questions for EASA latest exams

Aviationexam QB boasts the largest and most current question database for pilot studies. Trusted by European flight schools, it's a go-to choice for internal ground school exams. 

Founded in 2004, Aviationexam continually evolves based on user feedback, offering comprehensive preparation for EASA-FCL exams. Their team in Prague develops new features and updates the database regularly. It supports various licences and offers flexible subscription plans. Pros include detailed explanations, performance tracking, and offline access via apps. However, some features may malfunction. Besides its database is not universally considered exam-relevant.

Best for: ATPL students preparing for internal exams at their ground school in one of the EASA states.


QB versions: EASA 2016 and EASA 2023

Subscription Plans: options 1, 3, 6, and 12 months are available.

Free trial: You can take a free test, but the functionality and range of questions are reduced.


  • Detailed explanations provided.

  • Performance tracking feature available.

  • Utilizes the "Database levels concept" approach to structure studies effectively.

  • Apps with offline access for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows.

  • Public comments feature for enhanced interaction.

  • Ability to add private notes.


  • Some key features may malfunction (e.g., Database levels do not function as described).

  • Not considered exam-relevant by many students.

  • Does not include 'quadrant questions' (multiple-choice, multi-select, close or inline, text) found in exams by the UK CAA and the LBA in Germany.

  • No filtering options by date added or seen in exams/authority

10 Apr 2024

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