Question Bank Overview: Aviationinsider
4 000+ exam questions
With over 4,000 exam questions mirroring the structure of EASA learning objectives, Aviation Insider serves as a comprehensive platform catering to aviation enthusiasts and professionals alike. An educational platform provides a range of study materials tailored to help students prepare effectively for their ATPL EASA exams. Their extensive question banks cover individual subjects such as Air Law, Meteorology, and Navigation, as well as a full ATPL Question Bank.
ATPL Question Bank database contains over 4,000 exam questions, meticulously categorised into subjects, areas, and subareas. Users can easily navigate through the platform and practice answering multiple-choice questions to enhance their preparation.
Best for: Individuals seeking supplementary learning aids and preparation resources.
Licence: EASA ATPL
QB versions: not specified
Subscription Plans: every 6 months
Free trial: not available
Access to multiple-choice questions for varied practice.
Provided information is fact-checked for accuracy and reliability.
Lack of filtering options by date added.
No filtering options by questions seen in exams or authority.
Does not include a feature for public comments.
No option available to add private notes for personal reference.
No mobile apps or offline access provided.
Question base may be outdated, reflecting the structure of the 14 subjects syllabus.
Not aligned with current EASA learning objectives.