Question Bank Overview: BGS Online

15,000+ EASA ATPL exam questions with detailed explanations
As the leading provider of ATPL theory materials in Europe, Bristol Groundschool is the go-to option for UK-based and EASA student pilots. By supplying training materials to schools across the continent, Bristol Groundschool ensures that its question bank receives extensive feedback from exam candidates.
Widely trusted for its detailed explanations penned by specialist instructors, BGSonline stands out as the sole bank addressing all licence and rating types for both fixed-wing and helicopter pilots.
Pros include coverage of all types of quadrant questions, filtering options by examining authorities and recent additions, and regular updates with new questions. However, the platform lacks public comments, private note features, and mobile apps or offline access.
Best for: ATPL candidates looking for high-quality explanations and accurate seen-in-exam information, and candidates studying for CPL, IR or PPL exams, fixed wing and helicopter.
QB versions: EASA 2016, EASA 2022, UK CAA Includes questions from 2023 exam sittings
Subscription Plans: 1, 3, 6, and 12 months
Free trial: available, but you have to wait for the approval.
Detailed explanations provided by current ATPL instructors.
Includes all types of 'quadrant questions' (multiple-choice, multi-select, close or inline, text) found in exams by the UK CAA and the LBA in Germany.
Filtering options available by Examining Authorities.
Filter by the last 100-300 added questions, featuring the most recent additions and those seen in exams.
Filter by questions seen in exams during a user-selectable date range.
Features subtopics for better organization.
Regular updates with new questions.
Lack of public comments feature.
No option to add private notes to questions.
No mobile apps or offline access available.