Question Bank Overview: JAA ATPL › atpl
14,000 ATPL questions and answers, conveniently organised into 14 subjects.
AviationTire offers access to the JAA ATPL question bank, which mirrors the old JAA CQB14. But let's clarify some points.
JAA ATPL stands for “Joint Aviation Authorities Airline Transport Pilot Licence," which ceased issuance following the dissolution of the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) in 2008. The governing body was replaced by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
Despite the transition, the question bank has remained accessible online, ranking 5th in Google search results. May this question bank still be useful for your preparation? Definitely. It covers fundamental subjects like meteorology and principles of flight, among others. However, ensure you focus on updating your knowledge regularly.
As a subscribed user, you'll get unlimited access to the question bank, featuring over 14,000 ATPL questions closely aligned with the old JAA CQB14 ATPL exam Question Bank. With no additional functions or study materials beyond the free preview. Each subscription allows for one active login session.
Please verify that this question bank applies to your needs before purchasing.
Best for:
Licence: JAA ATPL
QB versions: old JAA CQB14
Subscription Plans: 1-year single-user subscription
Free trial: Non-subscribed users browse a limited preview ATPL database and tests.
Outdated database material