Sky High Conspiracies: The Most Popular Theories Explored

Sky High Conspiracies: The Most Popular Theories Explored

With the development of social media platforms like TikTok, these theories have continued to grow in popularity, reaching huge audiences. TikTok’s largely unregulated content environment has fueled the dissemination, allowing for rapid and widespread sharing of speculative ideas around worldly events.

But which conspiracy theories captivate us the most?

We at Airhead, an ATPL question bank, analysed Wikipedia page views and monthly search volumes of the most common flight-related conspiracy theories. We compared data across top UK and EU cities to reveal the most thrilling conspiracies. 

5 of the Biggest Conspiracy Theories Uncovered

Graphic 1 The Most Popular Flight-Related Conspiracy Theories. Airhead

Theory 1: Flight MH370

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 vanished on March 8, 2014, while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Despite extensive search efforts, the plane's disappearance remains one of the greatest aviation mysteries of our generation. There are various theories on its whereabouts and fate, including mechanical failure, pilot errors, hijacking, and even deliberate disappearance.

The official wikipedia page for the mystery has gathered 310,354 pageviews in June 2024 alone, with an average monthly search volume across UK and EU cities at 1,560.

Theory 2: Space Shuttle Disasters

In 1986, Space Shuttle Challenger suffered a tragic fate after an explosion on board. Nearly two decades later in 2003, Columbia disintegrated. Both of these incidents claimed the lives of all crew members, and had a significant impact on NASA’s space program in the aftermath, leading to increased safety protocols, and changes in the shuttle’s design. But conspiracy theorists have suggested the events occurred due to sabotage, alien interference, and cover-ups. These events resulted in 284,916 pageviews on Wikipedia in June 2024.

Theory 3: Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle comes third with a combined score of 234,339. It’s sometimes known as the Devil’s Triangle, and is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where numerous aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Conspiracy theories around the area range from natural magnetic anomalies, to extraterrestrial interventions.

Theory 4: Area 51

Area 51, a classified facility in Nevada USA, has long been the subject of conspiracy. Many of the theories claim the US Air Force zone is a site for UFO research, and the storage of alien technology. The intense secrecy about the area has fueled our fascination and speculation, and has since warranted a 4th place ranking in this research with an average monthly search volume of 34,630.

Theory 5: Amelia Earhart

A pioneering aviator who was attempting to circumnavigate the world, Amelia Earhart disappeared mysteriously in 1937. Without a single sighting or evidence of crashing, her disappearance led to numerous theories including that she may have been captured by Japan, or decided to live in secrecy. Despite many searches and investigations, her fate remains unknown nearly 90 years later; but her legend doesn’t fail to captivate us with a combined score of 156,912.

Graphic 2 Regional Fascination with Flight-Related Conspiracies. Airhead 3


Chemtrails have become a hot topic in major European cities like Paris, Madrid, Berlin, and Vienna. With monthly search volumes ranging from 1,800 to 2,900, people are obsessed with the possibility of environmental impacts and transparency of these high-altitude aerosol sprays.

The strong interest in this topic within these key EU cities comes as no surprise, as they have a reputation for their strong environmental initiatives and policies. But the general public are questioning official explanations and continue to seek scientific scrutiny in order to understand how chemtrails could be affecting their local environments and beyond.

Area 51

We found that Area 51’s secrecy, and alleged extraterrestrial connections, intrigue a broad European audience. The fascination with advanced military technologies, governmental secrecy, and theories about otherworldly encounters are captivating imaginations in London (5,700 monthly search volume), Paris (4,700), Madrid (4,700), Berlin (2,200), and Vienna (1,900).

Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart’s mysterious disappearance continues to enthral minds across multiple cities. 

Her story resonates deeply in London (6,800 average monthly searches), Paris (2,200), Madrid (2,200), Berlin (1,500), and Vienna (1,500). This is possibly due to their shared admiration for historical explorers and, of course, the enduring allure of unresolved mysteries in aviation history.

Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle’s legendary mysteries of disappearances at sea hold significant appeal across Europe, reflecting a broader fascination with maritime history, mythical tales, and the mysteries of the deep. This area captivates imaginations in London (6,200 monthly search volume), Paris (3,500), Madrid (3,200), Berlin (2,100), and Vienna (1,900). People are intrigued by the vast accounts of ships and planes vanishing without a trace in the Triangle, and seek to understand the potential explanations, whether natural or supernatural.

The Most Viewed Conspiracy Theories 

Graphic 3 The Most Viewed Flight-Related Conspiracy Theories. Airhead

Flight MH370

Last month, a Cardiff University research team suggested the possibility of a six-second signal from the lost aircraft, renewing interest in Flight MH370. They explained that aircraft crashes create acoustic signals detectable over 3,000 km underwater. This finding offers fresh hope in solving the mystery, with a daily average pageview of 10,345 in June.

Space Shuttle Disasters

Interest in the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster spiked recently (daily pageview average of 5,691) after a controversy involving War Thunder, a game developer. The company issued an apology three weeks ago after imagery from the Challenger disaster appeared in their artwork, drawing significant public attention and sparking discussions about the tragic event once more.

Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle continues to captivate the public's imagination, driven by its insane popularity and the mysterious shipwrecks that often wash up after being assumed lost in the area. This enduring mystery keeps people fascinated and eager to learn more about the unexplained phenomena associated with this infamous region. In the last month, the theory’s Wikipedia page had a daily average pageview of 7,341. 

Expert Insight: The Truth Behind Aviation Conspiracies

Flight MH370: The Vanishing Act

Alex Whittingham, Director at Airhead says: "The disappearance of Flight MH370 has been a magnet for conspiracy theories due to the lack of concrete evidence. Some folks believe it was hijacked, the pilot deliberately crashed it, or that it landed undetected on a remote island. And then there are more extreme theories suggesting extraterrestrial abduction.

But the radar data available, and satellite pings, point to more rational explanations like mechanical failure or unfortunate pilot error, leading to a crash in the Indian Ocean. It's likely the plane ran out of fuel and crashed in a remote area, making the recovery difficult. So until key evidence like the black box or the wreckage itself is found, speculation will persist.

This tragedy resonates deeply because air travel is so routine, and its mystery makes the mind wander toward fantastical explanations. From an industry perspective, it definitely highlighted the urgent need for advancements in real-time aircraft tracking, which is now being implemented to prevent such mysteries in the future. Until then, MH370 will remain a source of speculation and conspiracy theories."

Plausibility Rating: 3/5

Amelia Earhart: Hidden in Plain Sight?

"Earhart’s disappearance has sparked some of the most imaginative theories, ranging from her living in secrecy under an alias to being captured by the Japanese. These stories persist because, despite numerous searches, we have very little physical evidence of what happened. But the more plausible scenario is that she crashed into the Pacific Ocean during her world flight attempt,” explains Alex Whittingham, Director at Airhead.

"In terms of aviation, Earhart was flying at a time when navigation technology was far less advanced than it is today. Without modern GPS, pilots had to rely heavily on celestial navigation, radio signals, and basic instruments, all of which were prone to error - especially over vast, remote areas like the Pacific. Her final flight took place in one of the most challenging environments imaginable, where any navigational miscalculation or fuel mismanagement could have been disastrous."

Alex Whittingham continues, “From an aviation perspective, her disappearance highlights the limitations of early flight technology and the inherent risks of long-distance aviation at that time. Today, with real-time tracking, radar coverage, and satellite communication, it's hard to imagine a plane going missing like that. However, in 1937, these tools simply weren’t available.”

Plausibility Rating: 3/5

Area 51: What Are They Really Hiding?

“Area 51 has long been at the centre of UFO and alien conspiracy theories, and its highly classified status doesn’t help to dispel those ideas.” says Alex Whittingham.

“From secret alien technology being stored there, to even live extraterrestrials held for research, the reality of Area 51 is that it's a testing ground for experimental military aircraft. The US government has been historically tight-lipped about it, fueling suspicions. 

But the aviation industry knows that many of the UFO sightings near Area 51 can be traced to advanced aircraft, like the U-2 spy plane and stealth bombers, which were developed in secret. The U.S. government's tight security and secrecy around the site, especially during the Cold War, naturally fueled public suspicions which continue on today. But it's imperative these technologies are kept under wraps, so they don’t fall into the wrong hands.

While the idea of UFOs may persist, the real work happening at Area 51 is just as remarkable. But as long as the details remain classified, leaving room for speculation and fueling ongoing conspiracy theories.”

Plausibility Rating: 2/5 

Bermuda Triangle: A Magnet for Mysteries?

“The Bermuda Triangle is another classic in the world of conspiracy theories. It’s been linked to everything from underwater cities like Atlantis to alien activity. But if we look closely at the region, we see it’s one of the busiest shipping and flight routes in the world, which naturally leads to a higher ratio of accidents” explains Alex Whittingham

“There are many factors which could explain most of the incidents attributed to this area,  like sudden weather changes, strong currents, and magnetic anomalies that can interfere with navigation systems.

​​“In the aviation industry, the Bermuda Triangle serves as a reminder of the importance of real-time weather tracking and updated navigational tools. With advancements in GPS technology, better forecasting, and increased safety protocols, incidents in the area have declined dramatically. However, despite all the logical explanations, the allure of the unknown continues to captivate people, keeping conspiracy theories alive.”

We spoke to Andrew Miller, Pilot of 21 years, who shared his experiences with Bermuda:

“I’ve never experienced navigational challenges or anomalies within the infamous Bermuda Triangle, personally. I regularly fly long haul across the world, including this area, and there’s nothing we’re trained to consider when it comes to the Bermuda Triangle specifically”. 

Plausibility Rating: 1/5

Chemtrails: Are there Hidden Government Agendas?

Alex Whittingham says: “The chemtrail theory claims that the contrails left by aeroplanes are actually chemical agents deliberately sprayed for purposes like population control or weather manipulation. However, extensive studies and expert analyses overwhelmingly debunk this idea. Contrails are simply the result of water vapour and ice crystals forming in specific high-altitude conditions, especially when humid air cools rapidly in the jet stream.”

Despite the scientific evidence, people are often drawn to the idea that governments or powerful entities are acting in secret, but in reality, high altitude conditions (where temperatures drop significantly!) make contrail formation a completely natural phenomena. In fact, contrail formation has been studied for decades as part of routine aircraft operations, with findings consistently showing that they pose no environmental or health risks beyond normal aviation impacts.”

Plausibility Rating: 1/5

9/11: Inside Job or Terrorist Attack?

“The idea that 9/11 was an inside job orchestrated by the U.S. government is one of the most widely known conspiracy theories.” says Alex Whittingham. “Some have argued that the destruction of the World Trade Center was too precise and coordinated to be carried out solely by terrorists. But multiple independent investigations, including the official 9/11 Commission Report, thoroughly debunk this theory. The attacks were the result of a carefully coordinated terrorist operation. Unfortunately, when something so devastating happens and at such a scale, people often look for more sinister explanations because the official story seems too simple or difficult to comprehend.”

Plausibility Rating: 1/5


Reflecting on our findings, Alex Whittingham, Director at Airhead said ”the ongoing fascination with mysteries like the Bermuda Triangle, Flight MH370, and Area 51 shows how much we love a good mystery. 

“These stories keep us intrigued because they challenge what we think we know,” he adds. “In recent years, social media has played a key role in amplifying these theories. Platforms like TikTok and YouTube allow speculation to spread rapidly, often blurring the lines between fact and fiction. This accessibility makes it easier for these mysteries to remain in the public consciousness, constantly evolving with new interpretations and keeping the intrigue alive."


Using AI tools, we collated a seed list of 12 popular flight-related conspiracy theories. We conducted keyword research to find the monthly search volume of each theory across 20 UK and EU cities determined by population. Pageview analysis of the last 30 days was conducted to find the total views and daily average views of each theories’ corresponding wikipedia page.

14 Aug 2024

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